On This Day In 1965 | RetroVideo00:00:59
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Dodał: WatchMojo
Its time for some blasts from the past! On this day in history 57 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. began his march from Selma! 41 years ago, REO Speedwagons Keep On Loving You was topping the charts. Think you know your pop culture history? Check out our trivia question at the end and leave your answer in the comments.
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Top 10 Worst Decisions in History: https://youtu.be/TjPmk62WajE
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Alternate Histories That Almost Happened: https://youtu.be/3M4aYRHnqpA
Top 10 Historically Accurate Movies: https://youtu.be/_q8NCKx3Pgw
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Top 10 Worst Decisions in History: https://youtu.be/TjPmk62WajE
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Alternate Histories That Almost Happened: https://youtu.be/3M4aYRHnqpA
Top 10 Historically Accurate Movies: https://youtu.be/_q8NCKx3Pgw
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#ThisDayinHistory #Nostalgia #Shorts #Selma #CivilRights #MartinLutherKingJr #Music #REOSpeedwagon #KeepOnLovingYou #History
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