Axe Crazy feat. Michael Skotnicki - Angry Machines (Live @ Leśniczówka, Chorzów, Poland, 17. 12. 2022)00:05:14

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Band | Zespół: @AxeCrazyBand feat. Michael Skotnicki
Where | Gdzie: Leśniczówka, Chorzów, Poland
When | Kiedy: 17.12.2022
Length | Długość: 46 minut

Stanley cioska - vocals | wokal
Robert Robson Bigos - guitar | gitara
Adrian Bigos - guitar | gitara
Jacek Boroń - bass | bas
Grzesiek Kozikowski - drums | perkusja

01 March of the Survivors (intro)
02 Fuel for Life
03 Witches Treasure
04 Under Command
05 Astral Tales Part 1 (Lost in Space)
06 Ride on the Night
07 Hungry for Life
08 Angry Machines (with Michael Skotnicki on vocals)
09 On the Run
10 Heavy Metal Power Force

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