Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest - Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 | 1080p60 PC STEAM No Commentary00:27:19
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Three years after the Purity Wars, Nortander is on the cusp of a new era. However, things are not as peaceful as they seem - when the Queen calls you, a disgraced General, back to your homeland, you are plunged in a war on many fronts: While a hatemonger threatens to tear apart the dwarven realm, an enigmatic cult of dark elves harvests the souls of people for reasons unknown. Gather your allies and prevent a catastrophe.
Full Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPL_RVgfuCbRYoDnU79lv-vJpZcytSRdOn3
HELP ME REACH 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS AWESOME PAL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHhacmexabz7rGXaXWNlpLQ
Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest - Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 | 1080p60 PC STEAM No Commentary
#Spellforce #SoulHarvest #Gaming #Gameplay #Walkthrough
Full Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPL_RVgfuCbRYoDnU79lv-vJpZcytSRdOn3
HELP ME REACH 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS AWESOME PAL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHhacmexabz7rGXaXWNlpLQ
Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest - Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 | 1080p60 PC STEAM No Commentary
#Spellforce #SoulHarvest #Gaming #Gameplay #Walkthrough
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