PlayToEarnGames. com: Star Atlas: Escape Velocity - Embark on a Galactic Treasure Hunt00:02:30

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Dodał: Zajegranie Star Atlas: Escape Velocity - Embark on a Galactic Treasure Hunt

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The article discusses Star Atlas, a metaverse game that utilizes Web3 technology and features a new mini-game called Escape Velocity. The games movement system is entirely blockchain-based and promises endless possibilities for player-owned gaming in the metaverse.

The recent technical showcase allowed the web3 gaming community to test the movement system at a massive scale, enhancing the robustness and resilience of the forthcoming browser game module, Star Atlas: Golden Era (SAGE). Escape Velocity allows players to explore the Galia Expanse in Star Atlas using their spaceship, experiencing the marvels of moving through the blockchain while witnessing the underlying Web3 technology in action.

#staratlas #EscapeVelocity #blockchain #gaming #technology #community #GoldenEra
