PlayToEarnGames. com: Column: Dont Get Hoodwinked Into A Coin - Sam Barberie00:02:08

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Column: Dont Get Hoodwinked Into A Coin - Sam Barberie:

Game funding through the launch of coins has proven to be a pitfall for many developers in the past few years. Despite the realization that coins are not a good idea, there have been numerous Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) in the gaming industry. However, these coins are not only distractions and threats to gaming companies but also long-term bad investments. Coins initially appeared attractive to developers, investors, and consumers, but they soon realized the difficulties and risks associated with them. Regulatory hurdles, lack of utility, market dependency, time-consuming management, and negative impact on company value are some of the problems developers and investors have faced. Furthermore, coin price fluctuations and complex conversion processes have discouraged players. Overall, the sentiment towards early gaming coins remains negative, even with the recent rally in Bitcoin and Ethereum prices.

Column: Dont Get Hoodwinked Into A Coin - Sam Barberie:
#GameFunding #Coins #Financing #ICOs #IDOs #BlockchainGaming #Investment #Regulations #UtilityTokens #MarketDependency #CompanyValue #PriceFluctuations #PlayerSentiment #gaming #funding #management #investments #bitcoin

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