Web3 Wackiness: Pixion Games Unleashes Fableborne - Shape Your Destiny and Battle On-chain!00:01:52

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Web3 Wackiness: Pixion Games Unleashes Fableborne - Shape Your Destiny and Battle On-chain!

Hold onto your virtual hats, because Pixion Games just scored a whopping $5.5 million for their sizzling sensation, Fableborne! The game is so epic, even the Blizzard Fund of the Avalanche Foundation couldnt resist throwing their crypto-coins in. Shima Capital and ReadyPlayerDAO are in on the action too - its like a virtual investment party!

Imagine a game where you dont just play, you OWN your destiny! Fableborne lets you unleash Echoes, fight ferocious battles, and snag rewards thatll make your NFT collection blush. Plus, theyre hiring to amp up the games tech mojo and leadership swagger. CEO Kam Punia must be doing some kind of virtual victory dance.

But hey, its not all fun and games in the crypto-verse. The bear market might be growling, but Web3 gaming aint backing down! Argus snagged $10 million, and even decentralized chess got in on the action.

Fablebornes not just a game, its a lifestyle. It took 18 months of blood, sweat, and virtual tears to cook up this masterpiece. With isometric action, NFT-fueled power-ups, and the chance to shape the game, Pixion Games is rewriting the Web3 playbook. Theyre like the cool kids who rule the virtual playground.

Get ready to dive into the Fableborne frenzy, folks! Pixion Games wants you to test drive this awesomeness before it goes mainstream. Start practicing your victory dance, cause Fableborne is coming to claim its digital throne.

Web3 Wackiness: Pixion Games Unleashes Fableborne - Shape Your Destiny and Battle On-chain!

#Fableborne #PixionGames #Web3 #Gaming #NFT #RPG #Action #Adventure #Mobile #PC #Fun #Play #Explore #Create #Battle #OwnIt #Digital #Future #GameOn #Innovation #Entertainment

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