Jacob Elordi as Elvis in Priscilla (2023) VS Austin Butler as Elvis (2022)00:14:30
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Dodał: MsMojo
There can be only one Elvis. Welcome to MsMojo, and in this installment of Verses, its the battle of the Kings with Austin Butler defending his crown against Jabob Elordi. Our verses includes dynamic with Priscilla, physical transformation, the voice, and more! Which depiction of Elvis do YOU prefer? Sing us the blues in the comments!
Watch more great Elvis videos here:
Top 10 Things Elvis (2022) Got Factually Right & Wrong - https://youtu.be/vCbsM7HiLJE
How Elvis Has Been Portrayed Over the Years - https://youtu.be/HvjA9HWKq54
How Austin Butler Prepared to Play Elvis - https://youtu.be/4nQaG6gjfII
Dont forget to play our Live Trivia games at 3pm and 8pm EST for a chance to win cash! The faster you answer, the more points you get!: https://www.watchmojo.com/play
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#Priscilla #Elvis #JacobElordis #AustinButler #SophiaCoppola
Watch more great Elvis videos here:
Top 10 Things Elvis (2022) Got Factually Right & Wrong - https://youtu.be/vCbsM7HiLJE
How Elvis Has Been Portrayed Over the Years - https://youtu.be/HvjA9HWKq54
How Austin Butler Prepared to Play Elvis - https://youtu.be/4nQaG6gjfII
Dont forget to play our Live Trivia games at 3pm and 8pm EST for a chance to win cash! The faster you answer, the more points you get!: https://www.watchmojo.com/play
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MsMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content of Top 10 Lists, Origins, Biographies, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.
#Priscilla #Elvis #JacobElordis #AustinButler #SophiaCoppola
Nikt nie przebije Austina Butlera w roli Presleya, byt znakomity, dwa lata przygotowywał się do tej roli. Naprawdę zasłużył na Oskara, ale wygrała z nim polityka. żaden z aktorów, którzy do tej pory odtwarzali tę postać nie byli tak doskonali jak Austin. odpowiedz
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