How to install Martine OS 4. 0 [Tutorial]00:02:17

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Dodał: VistaNationZ
Default password for accessing installer: user

Text tutorial:

Boot the Martine OS Installer (compatible with both BIOS & UEFI systems).
Select Boot system installer.
Wait for the boot process - if there is a black screen for an extended period, dont worry, the installer will continue to load.
If you see [FAILED] Failed to start casper-md5check Verify Live ISO checksums. warning, dont worry, Installer will boot normally, ignore it.
The installer may prompt you to log in - if so, click on the user user and enter the password user.
Enter the details you wish to use for logging into the system; they can be anything, it doesnt have to be the username user.
Click Next.
Choose the disk on which you want to install Martine OS and click ! Delete ! and then the arrow.
Click on the newly created partition (marked with a question mark).
Enter 512 MB and click the arrow.
Click on the remaining space on the partition (also marked with a question mark). Choose / as the Mount Point.
For the 512 MB partition, choose bios-grub (for BIOS systems) or /boot/efi (for UEFI systems) as the Mount Point and click the arrow.
Select the option Transfer user configuration files and it will change to Transfer user configuration and data files.
Click Next.
Confirm the installation of Martine OS.
Wait for the system to be fully installed.
After installation is complete, restart your computer.
Enjoy Martine OS 4.0! :)
