Windows Never Released Versions / Windows Mockups 8 (with future editions 2088-2119)00:07:12
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Dodał: VistaNationZ
Hello all subscribers, sorry for my late upload, I have a lot of work and I don't have time for Windows Never Released videos. Today is next part so start!
WNR Forum:
WNR Group on FB:
(wait 5 secs and click SKIP AD)
My ideas:
Windows Martine beta (2018)
Windows Martinising (2088)
Windows Easter (2089)
Windows eXtrema (2090)
SuperWindows78's ideas:
windows 2000 100 years 2099
windows me 100 years 2100
windows xp 100 years 2101
windows xip 2101
windows server 2003 100 years 2103
windows 65 2103
windows longhorn 100 years 2104 [this ones a beta]
windows longhorn 100 years 2105
windows 69 2105
windows 70 2105
windows vista 100 years 2106 [a beta]
windows vista 100 years 2107
windows 7 100 years 2109
windows 75 2109
windows 79 2109
windows 2110 2110
windows 80 2110
windows 90 2112
windows 8 100 years 2112
windows 8.1 100 years 2113
windows 95 2115
windows 98 2115
windows 99 2115
windows 99.99 2115
windows 100.00 2115
windows 10 100 years 2115
windows 100.01 2117
windows 100.02 2118
windows 100.02 server 2118
windows 100.09 beta 2118
windows server 2119 2119
windows 100.09 2119
WNR Forum:
WNR Group on FB:
(wait 5 secs and click SKIP AD)
My ideas:
Windows Martine beta (2018)
Windows Martinising (2088)
Windows Easter (2089)
Windows eXtrema (2090)
SuperWindows78's ideas:
windows 2000 100 years 2099
windows me 100 years 2100
windows xp 100 years 2101
windows xip 2101
windows server 2003 100 years 2103
windows 65 2103
windows longhorn 100 years 2104 [this ones a beta]
windows longhorn 100 years 2105
windows 69 2105
windows 70 2105
windows vista 100 years 2106 [a beta]
windows vista 100 years 2107
windows 7 100 years 2109
windows 75 2109
windows 79 2109
windows 2110 2110
windows 80 2110
windows 90 2112
windows 8 100 years 2112
windows 8.1 100 years 2113
windows 95 2115
windows 98 2115
windows 99 2115
windows 99.99 2115
windows 100.00 2115
windows 10 100 years 2115
windows 100.01 2117
windows 100.02 2118
windows 100.02 server 2118
windows 100.09 beta 2118
windows server 2119 2119
windows 100.09 2119
I made my remade of xp 100 xip startup and shutdown and windows server 2003 100 odpowiedz
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