Why Old Volkswagens Smell Like Crayons - Past Gas LIVE01:03:20

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Join Nolan, Joe and special guests Jeremiah Burton and Justin Freeman for a very special live event, recorded at Dynasty Typewriter in LA. They dive deep into listener-submitted topics such as Jungle Jim & Pam, Rudolf Diesel and figure out why the heck old VWs smell like crayons.

00:00 Intro
00:50 Stand up
08:05 Special guests...
08:21 Duer
08:59 Indeed
09:30 Updates
13:32 Jungle Jim and Jungle Pam
21:58 onX Offroad
23:00 AllState
23:32 Duer
24:39 Rudolf Diesel
46:42 Indeed
47:58 Hims
49:04 Why Old German Cars Smell Like Crayons
53:23 Q & A with Jimmy Hilton
01:02:28 Thank you and Outro


Donut Medias Nolan Sykes and Joe Weber walk you through incredible stories behind your favorite cars and manufacturers. Episodes include underground Japanese racing clubs, bitter racing rivalries, and how some of your favorite classic cars came to be. Listen and find out why Past Gas is the #1 automotive podcast on Apple.

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