Bakugan Battle Brawlers PS3/X360 - Easy way to get a lot of BP00:06:34
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Dodał: AltairPS3
So I found guide on trueachievements how to get a lot of BP.
The thing is you can repreat last tournament as much as you want. For end that tournament you will get 250k BP points. Is best glitch that can help unlock all bakugans, gate cards, ability cards and also easy platinum on ps3. Note: if someone playing on ps3 I noticed that through their eyes trophy is bugged. I think you need play as every character at once without leaving arena mode.
The thing is you can repreat last tournament as much as you want. For end that tournament you will get 250k BP points. Is best glitch that can help unlock all bakugans, gate cards, ability cards and also easy platinum on ps3. Note: if someone playing on ps3 I noticed that through their eyes trophy is bugged. I think you need play as every character at once without leaving arena mode.
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