install webMAN + set fan speed on PS3 [ENG SUBS]00:02:52
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Dodał: AltairPS3
2. przyciski w padzie ps3:
hey im back after quite a long break from ps3 tutorials i just didnt have time.
below short information about webMAN:
what is webman: its a plugin with various functions, including ftp server, file browser, ability to use PS3MAPI (useful for older cheats or remote control), displaying information about CPU/RSX/console time etc. number of successful and failed console launches
(failed with e.g. freezing the console). In my opinion, a very useful plugin, but you have to use common sense, i.e. if you dont know something, dont change it unless youve seen the guide.
Publish the guide wherever you can, you can also do reupload, just give a link to blogspot or my channel.
automatic translated description because I was too lazy
2. przyciski w padzie ps3:
hey im back after quite a long break from ps3 tutorials i just didnt have time.
below short information about webMAN:
what is webman: its a plugin with various functions, including ftp server, file browser, ability to use PS3MAPI (useful for older cheats or remote control), displaying information about CPU/RSX/console time etc. number of successful and failed console launches
(failed with e.g. freezing the console). In my opinion, a very useful plugin, but you have to use common sense, i.e. if you dont know something, dont change it unless youve seen the guide.
Publish the guide wherever you can, you can also do reupload, just give a link to blogspot or my channel.
automatic translated description because I was too lazy
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