Xi Jinping spoke with Olaf Scholz00:02:03
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Dodał: PiotrChodak
Xi Jinping spoke with Olaf Scholz
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#china #germany
On my blog and on social media, I publish interesting facts about the Middle Kingdom every day. When I started in 2013, I didnt think that a few years later, I would run the most popular website about China in Poland.
I talk about China without excessive seriousness. You wont find long, analytical articles here. This is a place where China is presented in an understandable way.
I invite you to watch!
PATRONITE https://patronite.pl/chinytolubie
Support me. Thanks to you, I can continue to talk about China. Buy me a virtual coffee - https://buycoffee.to/chinytolubie
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You will find me here:
Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/chinytolubie
FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/231157260695463
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PiotrChodak
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/chinytolubie.pl
#china #germany
On my blog and on social media, I publish interesting facts about the Middle Kingdom every day. When I started in 2013, I didnt think that a few years later, I would run the most popular website about China in Poland.
I talk about China without excessive seriousness. You wont find long, analytical articles here. This is a place where China is presented in an understandable way.
I invite you to watch!
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