Fix It - Remedy (Live @ Metal Cave, Warszawa, Poland, 12. 11. 2015)00:02:39

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Band | Zespół: Fix It
Where | Gdzie: Metal Cave, Warszawa, Poland
When | Kiedy: 12.11.2015
Length | Długość: 64 minuty

Jan Gumowski vocals, guitar | wokal, gitara
Mikołaj Żewierżejew - guitar | gitara
Jakub Pajewski - bass | bas
Krzysztof Sobolewski drums | perkusja

01 I Told You Once
02 Try Harder
03 Dirty Things
04 Thats How We Roll
05 Man in the Box (Alice in Chains cover)
06 People
07 We are the Fix It
08 Bottle Without Bottom
09 Short Line
10 Remedy
11 Spider Attack
12 Short Line
13 Bottle Without Bottom

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