VALHEIM Waiting for the Valhalla #151 Deadly shooting00:30:05

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Valheim gameplay
Day 151

world seed...randome
Character: Hrefna
00:00 Next Day
01:34 Couldron; Wolf Jerky
04:00 Flax & Barley
05:00 Fuling Shaman Trophy
08:57 deadly shooting
13:59 Return to plains base with fuling
14:45 harvesting; Flax & Barley
16:30 more coal in B.F. more black metal
18:13 back to home base
19:21 production Needle arrow
22:02 build Spinning Wheel
22:50 Added Flax in S.W.
23:30 Longship cruise for other metal(copper&tin)
Vegas Pro 20.0
