Dodał: AntykwariatAtticus
Mapa Polski z 1636 Erik DAHLBERG Auctior et correctior tabula chorographica REGNI POLONIAE Mapa Polski z trasą pochodu wojsk szwedzkich, pochodząca z dzieła Samuela Pufendorfa "De rebus a Carolo Gustavo [...]", wyd. Norymberga 1696, opracowana przez Erika Dahlbergha, rysownika i kartografa, oficera, inżyniera wojskowego w służbie szwedzkiej.
Old map of Poland (orig. copperplate) by Erik Dahlbergh depicting Swedish invasion on Poland in the middle of XVII century. Ornamental cartouche with the coat of arms of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and coats of arms provinces. Very decorative.
Old map of Poland (orig. copperplate) by Erik Dahlbergh depicting Swedish invasion on Poland in the middle of XVII century. Ornamental cartouche with the coat of arms of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and coats of arms provinces. Very decorative.