Kosmosphär - Kosmische Wellen (1977) [Full Album]00:46:20
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Dodał: android0034
Musical Style:
Kosmosphär bears the typical characteristics of the Berlin School: Slow tempos, deep drones, expansive synth pads and repetitive arpeggios draw the listener into a hypnotic atmosphere. The band's music adopts an ambient style that gives the impression of floating in space, and at times contains tribal and meditative elements. Kosmosphär deals with the themes of cosmic journey in each of its compositions; it takes the listener to the infinity of space, the void between the stars and beyond time. Analog synthesizers, modular synths and sequencers are the band's most important musical tools.
First Album:
The band made a big breakthrough with their first album "Kosmische Wellen" released in 1977. The album exceeded the expectations of the listeners of the time and gave the feeling of cosmic journey in its deepest form. The five songs on the album were designed like an exploration mission in space, and each one was designed to give the feeling of floating among the stars. Tracks such as "Sternenstaub" (Stardust) and "Wellen des Lichts" (Waves of Light) put the listener in a meditative trance with their space-related sound design and deep ambient textures. The album quickly became popular both in the underground electronic music scene and among progressive electronic listeners.
Warning: "Everything that happens on this channel is fiction. But what is the truth? F*ck it, just listen!"
00:00 Sternenstaub
08:10 Wellen des Lichts
18:46 Traumsequenz
29:29 Nebelpfad
37:39 Ewige Sphären
Kosmosphär bears the typical characteristics of the Berlin School: Slow tempos, deep drones, expansive synth pads and repetitive arpeggios draw the listener into a hypnotic atmosphere. The band's music adopts an ambient style that gives the impression of floating in space, and at times contains tribal and meditative elements. Kosmosphär deals with the themes of cosmic journey in each of its compositions; it takes the listener to the infinity of space, the void between the stars and beyond time. Analog synthesizers, modular synths and sequencers are the band's most important musical tools.
First Album:
The band made a big breakthrough with their first album "Kosmische Wellen" released in 1977. The album exceeded the expectations of the listeners of the time and gave the feeling of cosmic journey in its deepest form. The five songs on the album were designed like an exploration mission in space, and each one was designed to give the feeling of floating among the stars. Tracks such as "Sternenstaub" (Stardust) and "Wellen des Lichts" (Waves of Light) put the listener in a meditative trance with their space-related sound design and deep ambient textures. The album quickly became popular both in the underground electronic music scene and among progressive electronic listeners.
Warning: "Everything that happens on this channel is fiction. But what is the truth? F*ck it, just listen!"
00:00 Sternenstaub
08:10 Wellen des Lichts
18:46 Traumsequenz
29:29 Nebelpfad
37:39 Ewige Sphären
Film znajduje się w katalogu: Muzyka elektroniczna
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