Valheim Day 180 [Remnants]00:30:04

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    Valheim gameplay
    Day 180 #plants
    world seed...randome
    Character: Hrefna

    00:00 Next Day
    02:00 planning curse to home base
    06:57 wind in sails
    08:50 another land with fulling village
    10:10 Sneaking
    10:46 kill fuling
    13:00 construction of a makeshift shelter
    14:33 using Bonemass Power
    14:47 back to attack
    15:00 kill fuling
    15:10 counterattack of the fulings
    15:40 leveling the terrain on the battlefield
    16:28 all hearing fulings
    17:33 towers patrolling the village
    18:05 counterattack of the fulings
    20:42 shooting at the remnants
    21:49 Barley Added
    23:00 another delivery of black metal
    Vegas Pro 20.0
