99. rocznica odzyskania niepodległości. Zapraszamy na MARSZ we Wrocławiu!00:00:59

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    Dodał: Jacek_Miedlar
    Marsz Wielkiej Polski Niepodległej we Wrocławiu (11.11.2017): https://web.facebook.com/events/284151485425053/#
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      Satanists could be invited to prey upon the outside world, of course, but Anton regularly reminded
      them that the outside world was inclined to be more than a little Satanic itself. A hunter who brashly
      disregarded society’s protective guidelines in the quest for success might well wind up inside of the tiger.
      Here he emphasized the realism that the absurdly arrogant heroes of Ayn Rand’s novels had disdained to
      consider in their Quixotic crusades for self-aggrandizement.
      Another problem with the law of the jungle was that some Satanists, unable or unwilling to ride the
      tiger outside of the Church of Satan, elected to try their hand within it, preying upon other Satanists. This
      tendency was encouraged by the psychological self-confidence accorded insecure individuals by the very
      fact of their Church membership, to say nothing of any additional honors or offices held in the
      organization. odpowiedz