LiveLeak - When Eric Comes To Town Theres Gonna Be A Shitshow00:04:27

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If a public meeting ever needed a parental advisory warning, Monday nights at City Hall should have had one.

Explicit language from residents at the lectern addressing city commissioners was frequent, though sometimes hard to hear over occasional chants of lock her up and other similar demands. There was even a profanity-laced tirade by phone from someone out of state made during the raucous proceedings for which at least one child was present.

The fury was over City Manager Jane Shang whose pretrial intervention agreement, if completed, allows her to avoid felony voter fraud charges. That deal has further angered and frustrated her detractors.

Tensions reached a new level during the nearly five-hour meeting.

Resident Richard Bellach called the commissioners gestapo and pond scum, and called Commissioner Chris Nabicht an oversized beard among other personal insults. Bellach also called resident Mike Williams president of the West Volusia branch of the NAACP and someone who generally speaks in favor of Shang and the commission a house boy.

Via phone, Eric Brandt, of Denver, told Mayor Heidi Herzberg: You better get (expletive) ready, (expletive), Im a coming for you.

The city had a speaker card with Brandts name on it, so when the call was made, resident Jeffery Stuck, who told the mayor that the people were ready to file more lawsuits, put Brandt on speakerphone and held it up to the microphone.

Calling in his comments was allowed because there was a speaker card with Brandts name on it, Lee Lopez, city spokesman, said. What isnt allowed is yielding time to someone who hasnt filled out a speaker card.
