AMV - seriy & GamOver - D-On [2010VCA] [720p]00:06:42

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Nie jestem autorem tego klipu.
Pochodzi on ze strony
Twórcami są seriy i GamOver
Zwycięzca w 2010 Viewers Choice Awards w kategori Najlepsza komedia

Im not the author of this clip.
It comes from
The creators are Seriy and GamOver
The winner of the 2010 Viewers Choice Awards in the category Best Comedy Video


[PL] Lista anime:
[EN] List of anime:
Detroit Metal City (OVA)
K-On! (TV)

[PL] Muzyka:
[EN] Music:
Tenacious D - Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown)

Disclaimer: This video is purely fan made, and I am not making any profit. It is purely for entertainment purposes and in no way meant to offend. I do not own the clips or the songs used, they belong to their rightful owners/companies. No Copyright Infringement is intended.

Film znajduje się w katalogu: AMV (new to old)

