Dodał: stopfundingisrael
Canberra Pollichickens sprzedaje australijskie zasoby szybciej, niż możemy je wymienić i wymienić. Skąd tak naprawdę pochodzi koronawirus? Targ rybny w Wuhan czy kanadyjskie laboratorium broni biologicznej? Podczas gdy ministrowie rządu Australii Zachodniej przepraszają Chiny za umożliwienie tajwańskim tancerzom występów w naszym kraju, Departament Zdrowia nagle przestaje zgłaszać podejrzane przypadki i tylko raporty o potwierdzonych przypadkach. Te historie i wiele innych ...
Canberra Pollichickens are selling off Australian resources faster than we can list them and name them. Where is the Coronavirus coming from really? A Wuhan fish market or a Canadian bio weapons lab? While Western Australian Government ministers apologise to China for allowing Taiwanese dancers to perform in our country, the Health Dept. suddenly stops reporting suspected cases and only reports on confirmed cases. These stories covered and many many more...
Canberra Pollichickens are selling off Australian resources faster than we can list them and name them. Where is the Coronavirus coming from really? A Wuhan fish market or a Canadian bio weapons lab? While Western Australian Government ministers apologise to China for allowing Taiwanese dancers to perform in our country, the Health Dept. suddenly stops reporting suspected cases and only reports on confirmed cases. These stories covered and many many more...