$535 Plasti Dip vs. $3,000 Vinyl Wrap | HiLow00:13:04
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$2600 vinyl wrap vs $500 DIY Plasti dip kit. Is the wrap worth the cost?
We bought two identical 350Zs and have been modifying them to be FUN, daily drivers that you can take to the track. James Pumphrey and Zach Jobe are on Team Hi, and their car gets the expensive parts. Nolan Sykes and Aaron Parker are on team Low. Their car gets the cheap ones.
Then we test them to see which components are actually worth spending the money on.
If you want to paint or change the color of your car, you basically have three options- A traditional paint job, a vinyl wrap, or plastidip. The gloss of a paint job is intoxicating, but a perfect paint job like that is not only ridonkulously expensive, but it takes forever. There is so much prep work involved with a paint job like!
So Hi Team is taking the happy medium route: theyre getting Hi Car professionally vinyl wrapped. $2600 bucks. A quality wrap job is the best of every world. Hardly any prep work. It only takes a few days to get one done, though if youre doing it yourself, put your patience-pants on.
It protects your paint --if its worth protecting, its totally reversible --for when you change your mind, and you can have any sort of graphic screen printed onto a vinyl wrap.
Team Low will be plastidipping their car by hand. Plasti dip offers many of the same benefits as vinyl-wrapping, but for a fraction of the price. We bought this plasti dip kit from dip your car for $500. It is California compliant, so that might make it worse. But on the bright side, it is relatively easy to do yourself (or so Nolan thought), theres very little prep work, its totally reversible, and its easy to fix damage or mistakes. The only downsides are that its never going to look like a great paint job, its not that durable, and Team Low has to do it themselves
Does it look $2000 better? Lets find out!
Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLFl907chpCa7c7xUVrvc6iXv-kWfvIdHU
Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.
$2600 vinyl wrap vs $500 DIY Plasti dip kit. Is the wrap worth the cost?
We bought two identical 350Zs and have been modifying them to be FUN, daily drivers that you can take to the track. James Pumphrey and Zach Jobe are on Team Hi, and their car gets the expensive parts. Nolan Sykes and Aaron Parker are on team Low. Their car gets the cheap ones.
Then we test them to see which components are actually worth spending the money on.
If you want to paint or change the color of your car, you basically have three options- A traditional paint job, a vinyl wrap, or plastidip. The gloss of a paint job is intoxicating, but a perfect paint job like that is not only ridonkulously expensive, but it takes forever. There is so much prep work involved with a paint job like!
So Hi Team is taking the happy medium route: theyre getting Hi Car professionally vinyl wrapped. $2600 bucks. A quality wrap job is the best of every world. Hardly any prep work. It only takes a few days to get one done, though if youre doing it yourself, put your patience-pants on.
It protects your paint --if its worth protecting, its totally reversible --for when you change your mind, and you can have any sort of graphic screen printed onto a vinyl wrap.
Team Low will be plastidipping their car by hand. Plasti dip offers many of the same benefits as vinyl-wrapping, but for a fraction of the price. We bought this plasti dip kit from dip your car for $500. It is California compliant, so that might make it worse. But on the bright side, it is relatively easy to do yourself (or so Nolan thought), theres very little prep work, its totally reversible, and its easy to fix damage or mistakes. The only downsides are that its never going to look like a great paint job, its not that durable, and Team Low has to do it themselves
Does it look $2000 better? Lets find out!
Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLFl907chpCa7c7xUVrvc6iXv-kWfvIdHU
Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO
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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/
Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.
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