Was Enzo Ferrari a Bad Person? - Past Gas #0100:58:01
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Dodał: DonutMedia
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In the 1st part of our 4-part series, James & Nolan start off this episode with a bang: the unbelievable feud between Ford and Ferrari in the early 20th century.
This legendary rivalry between Ford and Ferrari at Le Mans begins with the story of perhaps the most influential people in car history: Enzo Ferrari. From his early life growing up in his fathers machine shop, to buying his first race car, and the creation of Scuderia Ferrari, were covering all things Enzo Ferrari.
Follow Donut on IG and Twitter @donutmedia
Follow James on IG and Twitter @jamespumphrey
Follow Nolan on IG and Twitter @nolanjsykes
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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.
New episode EVERY MONDAY on podcast apps -- Subscribe here:
Apple: http://bit.ly/PastGas
Spotify: http://bit.ly/PastGasSpotify
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/PGStitcher
Google Podcasts: http://bit.ly/PGGoogle
In the 1st part of our 4-part series, James & Nolan start off this episode with a bang: the unbelievable feud between Ford and Ferrari in the early 20th century.
This legendary rivalry between Ford and Ferrari at Le Mans begins with the story of perhaps the most influential people in car history: Enzo Ferrari. From his early life growing up in his fathers machine shop, to buying his first race car, and the creation of Scuderia Ferrari, were covering all things Enzo Ferrari.
Follow Donut on IG and Twitter @donutmedia
Follow James on IG and Twitter @jamespumphrey
Follow Nolan on IG and Twitter @nolanjsykes
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/PastGas
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donutmedia/
Get MERCH: http://www.donut.media/
Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.
Film znajduje się w katalogu: Past Gas
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