Coronavirus ASTROLOGY Predictions | GOOD or BAD news? How to make it BETTER?00:18:22
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Dodał: astromathura
Coronavirus ASTROLOGY Predictions | When it will end?
As an astrologer with 20 years of experience I share my calculations on coronavirus.
Also I have started special effort to minimize the bad effect of this coronavirus pandemic.
Join my fire ritual against coronavirus at:
I am confident, that this regular ritual will dramatically reduce the bad effect of this coronavirus. I am locked at my home as a rest of the world so ritual will be done at my place with video live stream in this Facebook page. I will do ritual on behalf of everyone who will register on my web page. There is no need for you to watch live stream to get the result, because I am doing it on your behalf and i will read your name during the ritual to invoke auspiciousness to you. This fire sacrifice not only has a positive effect on everyone involved, but the more people join this ritual, the more synergetic uplifting effect it will have for all world.
As an astrologer with 20 years of experience I share my calculations on coronavirus.
Also I have started special effort to minimize the bad effect of this coronavirus pandemic.
Join my fire ritual against coronavirus at:
I am confident, that this regular ritual will dramatically reduce the bad effect of this coronavirus. I am locked at my home as a rest of the world so ritual will be done at my place with video live stream in this Facebook page. I will do ritual on behalf of everyone who will register on my web page. There is no need for you to watch live stream to get the result, because I am doing it on your behalf and i will read your name during the ritual to invoke auspiciousness to you. This fire sacrifice not only has a positive effect on everyone involved, but the more people join this ritual, the more synergetic uplifting effect it will have for all world.
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