Words Mean Nothing00:03:00
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Dodał: BigTimeRushPlaylist2
These are songs from Big Time Rushs fourth/unreleased 2013 album Cruise Control. Track list as follows:
1. Cruise Control
2. Shot In The Dark
3. Redlight Greenlight
4. Young Love
5. Anything
6. Featuring You
7. Tonight Is A Fairytale
8. Next Step
9. Do It All Again
10. Words Mean Nothing
11. It Is What It Is
12. Rich Girl
13. First Time
1. Cruise Control
2. Shot In The Dark
3. Redlight Greenlight
4. Young Love
5. Anything
6. Featuring You
7. Tonight Is A Fairytale
8. Next Step
9. Do It All Again
10. Words Mean Nothing
11. It Is What It Is
12. Rich Girl
13. First Time
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