Roccat vs Misfits |EN| - EU LCS Spring Split 2018 W4D200:56:46

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Casters : Medic and Vedius
Analyst Desk: Drakos, Deficio and Freeze
Interview: Laure Valée with Memento

Full Lineup:
Team Roccat Line up:
Profit Top Camille
Memento Jungle Jarvan IV
Blanc Mid Ryze
HeaQ ADC Caitlyn
Norskeren Support Taric

Misfits Gaming Line up:
Alphari Top Ornn
Maxlore Jungle Zac
Sencux Mid Azir
Hans sama ADC Tristana
Mikyx Support Alistar

Film znajduje się w katalogu: EU LCS 2018 Spring Split

