Fnatic vs MAD Lions Game 1 |EN| - LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 Semifinals01:24:34
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FNC vs. MAD LEC Spring Split 2020
Ready Check - Sjokz,YamatoCannon and Vedius
Interview : Laure Valle with Kaiser
Casters : Froskurinn and Drakos
Fnatic Line up:
FNC Bwipo TOP Maokai
FNC Selfmade JUNGLE Rek Sai
FNC Nemesis MID Azir
FNC Rekkles BOTTOM Senna
FNC Hylissang SUPPORT Thresh
MAD Lions line up:
MAD Orome TOP Ornn
MAD Shadow JUNGLE Lee Sin
MAD Humanoid MID Zoe
MAD Carzzy BOTTOM Aphelios
MAD Kaiser SUPPORT Zilean
Ready Check - Sjokz,YamatoCannon and Vedius
Interview : Laure Valle with Kaiser
Casters : Froskurinn and Drakos
Fnatic Line up:
FNC Bwipo TOP Maokai
FNC Selfmade JUNGLE Rek Sai
FNC Nemesis MID Azir
FNC Rekkles BOTTOM Senna
FNC Hylissang SUPPORT Thresh
MAD Lions line up:
MAD Orome TOP Ornn
MAD Shadow JUNGLE Lee Sin
MAD Humanoid MID Zoe
MAD Carzzy BOTTOM Aphelios
MAD Kaiser SUPPORT Zilean
Film znajduje się w katalogu: LEC 2020 Spring Split
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