Iskiereczka - Przerażająca Polska Kołysanka00:02:54

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    This is piano version of lullaby, which I know by my childhood. 15 years ago (in kindergarten) I was thinking, that this song is creepy. Now...I still think same.
    Learn the piano step by step with Skoove:

    Words :

    Z popielnika na Wojtusia
    Iskiereczka mruga,
    Chodź, opowiem ci bajeczkę,
    Bajka będzie długa.

    Była sobie Baba-Jaga,
    Miała chatkę z masła,
    A w tej chatce same dziwy,
    pst, iskierka zgasła.

    Patrzy Wojtuś, patrzy, duma,
    Łzą zaszły oczęta,
    Czemuś mnie tak okłamała,
    Wojtuś zapamięta.

    English :

    From an ash pan at Alberty
    Little sparkle twinkles
    Come here, Ill tell you a story
    The story gon be long

    Once upon a time a princess
    Fell in love with busker
    King arranged a wedding for them
    And the story ends

    Once upon a time a witch
    had a butter cottage
    In the cottage many strange things
    Little sparkle put out

    From an ash pan at Alberty
    Little sparkle twinkles
    Come here, Ill tell you a story
    The story gon be long

    Little Berty wont believe you
    You little sparkle
    Once you blink, and then youre out
    And the storys over


    Midi :

    Sheet Music :

    Not available


    Piano Arrangement by PianoDeuss

    Song : Iskiereczka
    Music : Polish traditional
    Words : Janina Porazińska (1925)

