How Xbox Could Dethrone the PS500:18:35

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Dodał: MojoPlays
Heres how the Xbox Series X could dethrone the PS5! Subscribe for more great content!

Sonys PlayStation 5 is currently dominating the market and its upcoming exclusives will probably secure its place on the mountaintop. Were not saying PS5 is best console. We are aware that Xbox still has a handful of cards to play, and surprisingly, its not what a lot of people seem to be talking about. Xbox clearly has a long-term strategy currently in play right now. Its a simple mix of classic IPs, Game Pass, and all those acquisitions that have occurred over the last few years. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, were taking a look at How Xbox Could Dethrone the PS5! Do YOU have a next gen console? If so, which? Let us know in the comments!

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