Węzeł Albright (Albright knot) - łączenie dwóch różnych linek - wędkarstwo00:04:51
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Dodał: Wedkarstwo_marfish
Węzeł Albright to silny węzeł używany do łączenia dwóch linek o różnych średnicach. Może być stosowany do łączenia na przykład, żyłki z plecionką.
The Albright special or Albright knot is a knot (properly, a bend) used in angling. It is a strong knot used to tie two different diameters of line together, for instance to tie monofilament to braid. The Albright is relatively smooth and passes through guides when required. Some anglers coat the knot with a rubber based cement to make it even smoother and more secure.
When tying, it is important to wind the loops neatly around the loop of larger line.
The Albright special or Albright knot is a knot (properly, a bend) used in angling. It is a strong knot used to tie two different diameters of line together, for instance to tie monofilament to braid. The Albright is relatively smooth and passes through guides when required. Some anglers coat the knot with a rubber based cement to make it even smoother and more secure.
When tying, it is important to wind the loops neatly around the loop of larger line.
Film znajduje się w katalogu: Szkoła wędkarska Marfish.pl - wędkarstwo i przygoda
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