Fnatic vs G2 |EN| - LEC Summer Split 2021 W3D200:52:45

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Fnatic vs. G2 Esports LEC Summer Split 2021 (Match of the week)
Casters: Drakos and Vedius
Analyst: Machine, Ender and Caedrel
Interview: Laure Valée with Adam

Full Line up:
Fnatic Line up:
Adam - Top Renekton
Bwipo - Jungle Xin Zhao
Nisqy - Mid Sylas
Upset - ADC Kalista
Hylissang - Support Taric

G2 Esports Line up:
Wunder - Top Viego
Jankos - Jungle Rumble
Caps - Mid Nocturne
Rekkles - ADC Jhin
Mikyx - Support Pantheon

Film znajduje się w katalogu: LEC Summer Split 2021

