Did This Particle Really Save the Universe? | Unveiled00:08:55
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Dodał: Unveiled
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Introducing the CHARM MESON! According to new research, this subatomic particle could be the fundamental reason why matter is able to exist. The reason why our life and reality is possible! In this video, Unveiled delves deep into the subatomic world, as we look at how the charm meson might have tipped the cosmic balance forever in our favor!
This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!
Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Did We Just Discover a New Force of Nature? - https://youtu.be/1iETjz_T5WQ
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0:00 Start
0:39 Fundamental Particles
1:55 Quantum Mechanics and the Standard Model
4:00 The Charm Meson
6:15 Matter Vs Antimatter
7:18 Conclusions
#Science #StandardModel #CharmMeson
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Introducing the CHARM MESON! According to new research, this subatomic particle could be the fundamental reason why matter is able to exist. The reason why our life and reality is possible! In this video, Unveiled delves deep into the subatomic world, as we look at how the charm meson might have tipped the cosmic balance forever in our favor!
This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!
Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Did We Just Discover a New Force of Nature? - https://youtu.be/1iETjz_T5WQ
Is There Life Inside the Gas Giants? - https://youtu.be/P5jnGmCWUEQ
0:00 Start
0:39 Fundamental Particles
1:55 Quantum Mechanics and the Standard Model
4:00 The Charm Meson
6:15 Matter Vs Antimatter
7:18 Conclusions
#Science #StandardModel #CharmMeson
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