30 dronow nad Polska/ 30 Drones heading towards /Asia at 19:00CST 10/03/20 south Poland00:01:37
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Dodał: ZNPZ__FEAssn
#UFO #CoronaVirus #Agenda
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Added a description below on the11th/03/2020 next day.
The sky during evening was clear no clouds able to seen wondering stars. Objects did not spread any aircraft streaks.
On others YT channels they may be called SpaceX Satelites, but anyone who worked with networks and particulary have seen real satelites will known the truth.
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Hi all those around 30 flying objects lined looks like small lights aka stars, probably drones heading towards Asia direction, recon China, looks like a military action....PM if you have noticed same things. They have been noticed above south Poland... this is just a matter of time when Smithll knock to my door.
Same thing in Worcestershire 3 years ago for my security wont tell exact where only via encrypted mail, Imagine a three lights on sky heading towards one light object, than they fkn merged and moved into north east direction..25 years ago similar object but it was U.F.O was a front of me around 300 m far and around 20 m above ground...wont tell where due to securoty reaseon want to keep this place in secret till...
onemore hint for astronomers passionates----those flying objects came from Venus star site if you know what I mean. More likely ot will happen again
Godz 19:00 niezidentyfikowane obiekty, drony lub cos podobnego w liczbie okolo 30 leci w stronę wschodnia, moze do Chin. Perfekcyjne ich ustawienie w linii przy asyście mnijeszych śwatełek z jednostajna predkością leciały tuż nad południowa Polska - manewry wojskowe...Nigdy w zyciu podobnej akcji nie widziałem choć obserwuje niebo od kilku lat...i bylem świadkiem podobnych ackji na niebie. Niestety bez odpowiedniej kamery fimowanie jest mało wyrażiste, a na moim aparacie fujifilm z przed 10 latnawet z 30 optycznym zoomem obraz będzie mało wyraźny :(
...ale jak sie nie ma miedźy to się na d...pie siedzi
Regarding #Corona Virus:
True behind is: 95% of population has in DNA virus which was build on jewish people DNA and further developed in labs for almost 20 years. Due to poisoned air, food, water, injections and frequancies, which are in the electricity, gas, water meters and ofcourse in wifi. Your DNA is manipulated and your immune system is getting weak every day.
Videos form other you tube users dated 09-10/03/2020
You Tube ZnPZ: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFrts0hVgrOhnQmIORGomNQ
Blog1 https://powrotdokraju.blogspot.com/
Chat Server https://discord.gg/jmQ2hHy
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/ro639
Pay Pal https://www.paypal.me/pchadinstall?locale.xen_GB
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/znpz
Credit for reusing soundtrack from:
Producer: HOVATOFF
Thanks for watching and peace brothers and sisters of good will.
Włącz napisy/ Turn on subtitles
Added a description below on the11th/03/2020 next day.
The sky during evening was clear no clouds able to seen wondering stars. Objects did not spread any aircraft streaks.
On others YT channels they may be called SpaceX Satelites, but anyone who worked with networks and particulary have seen real satelites will known the truth.
Similar vids
Hi all those around 30 flying objects lined looks like small lights aka stars, probably drones heading towards Asia direction, recon China, looks like a military action....PM if you have noticed same things. They have been noticed above south Poland... this is just a matter of time when Smithll knock to my door.
Same thing in Worcestershire 3 years ago for my security wont tell exact where only via encrypted mail, Imagine a three lights on sky heading towards one light object, than they fkn merged and moved into north east direction..25 years ago similar object but it was U.F.O was a front of me around 300 m far and around 20 m above ground...wont tell where due to securoty reaseon want to keep this place in secret till...
onemore hint for astronomers passionates----those flying objects came from Venus star site if you know what I mean. More likely ot will happen again
Godz 19:00 niezidentyfikowane obiekty, drony lub cos podobnego w liczbie okolo 30 leci w stronę wschodnia, moze do Chin. Perfekcyjne ich ustawienie w linii przy asyście mnijeszych śwatełek z jednostajna predkością leciały tuż nad południowa Polska - manewry wojskowe...Nigdy w zyciu podobnej akcji nie widziałem choć obserwuje niebo od kilku lat...i bylem świadkiem podobnych ackji na niebie. Niestety bez odpowiedniej kamery fimowanie jest mało wyrażiste, a na moim aparacie fujifilm z przed 10 latnawet z 30 optycznym zoomem obraz będzie mało wyraźny :(
...ale jak sie nie ma miedźy to się na d...pie siedzi
Regarding #Corona Virus:
True behind is: 95% of population has in DNA virus which was build on jewish people DNA and further developed in labs for almost 20 years. Due to poisoned air, food, water, injections and frequancies, which are in the electricity, gas, water meters and ofcourse in wifi. Your DNA is manipulated and your immune system is getting weak every day.
Videos form other you tube users dated 09-10/03/2020
You Tube ZnPZ: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFrts0hVgrOhnQmIORGomNQ
Blog1 https://powrotdokraju.blogspot.com/
Chat Server https://discord.gg/jmQ2hHy
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/ro639
Pay Pal https://www.paypal.me/pchadinstall?locale.xen_GB
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/znpz
Credit for reusing soundtrack from:
Producer: HOVATOFF
Thanks for watching and peace brothers and sisters of good will.
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