Jefferson Starship - Ride The Tiger (Atlas Arena, Łódź, Poland, 12. 10. 2022)00:06:10

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Band | Zespół: Jefferson Starship
Where | Gdzie: Atlas Arena, Łódź, Poland
When | Kiedy: 12.10.2022
Length | Długość: 46 minutes

Cathy Richardson - vocals, guitar | wokal, gitara
David Freiberg - vocals, guitar | wokal, gitara
Jude Gold - guitar | gitara
Donny Baldwin - drums | perkusja
Chris Smith - keyboards, bass | klawisze, bas

01 Find Your Way Back
02 Ride the Tiger
03 Its About Time
04 Sara / Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now (Starship song)
05 White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane song)
06 We Built This City (Starship cover)
07 Jane
08 Somebody to Love (Jefferson Airplane cover)

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