[NAPISY PL] Pierwsze wystąpienie Janusza Korwin-Mikkego w Europarlamencie! 02.07.201400:01:06

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    "Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen.
    Among the major challlenges mentioned in the Appendix One I see the cost of energy. But this cost is generated by the EU - thanks to the war on global warming. This war -- if effective -- would harm the natural environment - because what the plants need most for their growth, is carbon dioxide. Fortunately this war has no effect at all -- but the countries occupied by the EU had paid tremendous price.
    The global warming -- if it is real -- is not anthropogenic. It is humbug. But it is the instrument to achieve a specific goal: ZERO GROWTH. And this goal -- a clandestine dream of some persons sitting among us - had been reached.
    For 2 trillions €uro spent -- and wasted.
    It's felony.
    I hope on January the Prosecution Office of EU will be at last established -- and the culprits (including the pseudo-scientists, who had in bad faith supported this lunacy ) will be found, named, duly prosecuted, tried and put to jail. "

    Film znajduje się w katalogu: Janusz Korwin-Mikke

