Dodał: Anastazja_Faith
Hej postanowiłam założyć kolejną serie (ale ja ostatnio ich dużo zakładam) tym razem będzie to seria filmików informacyjnych w których będę wam mówić o zmianach jakie zachodzą na moim kanale o moich pomysłach itp. Teraz wszystkie filmiki jakie były informacyjne będą umieszczone w tej serii.
Hey, I decided to set up another series (but I assume a lot of them lately), this time it will be a series of informational videos in which I will tell you about the changes that occur on my channel about my ideas, etc.. Now all the videos that were information will be placed in this series.
Hey, I decided to set up another series (but I assume a lot of them lately), this time it will be a series of informational videos in which I will tell you about the changes that occur on my channel about my ideas, etc.. Now all the videos that were information will be placed in this series.