Wildness of the Middle Ages / Dirty Crowns and Castles of Decay [English Version]00:04:20
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Wildness of the Middle Ages / Dirty Crowns and Castles of Decay [English Version]
Officially, European civilization began with the Roman Empire. The Romans built public toilets, public baths - thermae, the Romans built roads, bridges, dams, and then unknown why Europe plunged into the darkness of the Middle Ages. A bit of information - what happened in Europe in the Middle Ages. Buckets full of excrement were poured through windows, and often on the heads of passersby, so wide-brimmed hats were invented. The familiar gesture of a man removing his hat in front of a woman originally meant, literally, to shake the shit off the hat. Dirt flowed through the streets, so shoes with heels and high platforms were invented. Even mini stilts were invented for walking on the streets.
Domesticated animals such as horses, cows and pigs lived in the cities and added manure to the already dirty cities. Medieval travelers talking about Paris said , the stench of the city spread for several kilometers. Not only ordinary citizens, but also the so-called nobility were degraded. In the castles there were endless balls and feasts, and the usual entertainment of the nobility was catching their own and their neighbors fleas. Lovers wore a special amulet around their necks, thanks to which they carried their beloveds flea on their chest. Ladies carried a dog with them so that the fleas would catch theirs, since dogs have a higher body temperature. Lice and syphilis, which affected almost everyone in those days, led to baldness, and wigs were invented to hide the lack of hair.
Nobles washed once or maybe twice in their lives, during baptisms and at weddings. People in those years smelled a lot, and to break the stinky smell, perfumes were invented. As for medicine in those days, almost all diseases were treated with bloodletting. During childbirth, doctors did not wash their hands, which led to puerperal fever in thirty percent of women, the cause of which was blood poisoning: Septicemia. At balls and feasts, guests went to the toilet around the corner or behind a curtain. After the castle was totally soiled , the nobles would move to another castle, dirty it, and then occupy the next castle. By the way, we can ponder this question: why did they go behind the curtain and around the corner? Were there no toilets or was the sewage system not working? If there were no toilets at all, then the castles are actually industrial buildings of the time: probably factories or grain elevators that began to be misused after the disaster.
If the sewage system didnt work, why?
What event plunged the entire European civilization into the savagery of the Middle Ages? Incidentally, something similar happened after the collapse of the USSR in some republics. Specialists left the cities, the cities plunged into chaos - without electricity, heating and water supply. In other words, in Europe at that time there was some kind of civilization, something like the USSR of those years, which developed economy, industry and civilization, and then after the catastrophe this civilization collapsed.
#medievalism #ford #castles #crown #elites #aristocracy #reality #occultism #brudas #occult #mystery #truth #2024 #truth #spirit #masons #secret #energy #lektorpl #secrecy #surreptitious #psychology #NWO #conspiracy #satanism #survival #control #mind #mindcontrol #conspiracy #programming #society #world #spirituality #satanism #MKUltra #illuminati
Officially, European civilization began with the Roman Empire. The Romans built public toilets, public baths - thermae, the Romans built roads, bridges, dams, and then unknown why Europe plunged into the darkness of the Middle Ages. A bit of information - what happened in Europe in the Middle Ages. Buckets full of excrement were poured through windows, and often on the heads of passersby, so wide-brimmed hats were invented. The familiar gesture of a man removing his hat in front of a woman originally meant, literally, to shake the shit off the hat. Dirt flowed through the streets, so shoes with heels and high platforms were invented. Even mini stilts were invented for walking on the streets.
Domesticated animals such as horses, cows and pigs lived in the cities and added manure to the already dirty cities. Medieval travelers talking about Paris said , the stench of the city spread for several kilometers. Not only ordinary citizens, but also the so-called nobility were degraded. In the castles there were endless balls and feasts, and the usual entertainment of the nobility was catching their own and their neighbors fleas. Lovers wore a special amulet around their necks, thanks to which they carried their beloveds flea on their chest. Ladies carried a dog with them so that the fleas would catch theirs, since dogs have a higher body temperature. Lice and syphilis, which affected almost everyone in those days, led to baldness, and wigs were invented to hide the lack of hair.
Nobles washed once or maybe twice in their lives, during baptisms and at weddings. People in those years smelled a lot, and to break the stinky smell, perfumes were invented. As for medicine in those days, almost all diseases were treated with bloodletting. During childbirth, doctors did not wash their hands, which led to puerperal fever in thirty percent of women, the cause of which was blood poisoning: Septicemia. At balls and feasts, guests went to the toilet around the corner or behind a curtain. After the castle was totally soiled , the nobles would move to another castle, dirty it, and then occupy the next castle. By the way, we can ponder this question: why did they go behind the curtain and around the corner? Were there no toilets or was the sewage system not working? If there were no toilets at all, then the castles are actually industrial buildings of the time: probably factories or grain elevators that began to be misused after the disaster.
If the sewage system didnt work, why?
What event plunged the entire European civilization into the savagery of the Middle Ages? Incidentally, something similar happened after the collapse of the USSR in some republics. Specialists left the cities, the cities plunged into chaos - without electricity, heating and water supply. In other words, in Europe at that time there was some kind of civilization, something like the USSR of those years, which developed economy, industry and civilization, and then after the catastrophe this civilization collapsed.
#medievalism #ford #castles #crown #elites #aristocracy #reality #occultism #brudas #occult #mystery #truth #2024 #truth #spirit #masons #secret #energy #lektorpl #secrecy #surreptitious #psychology #NWO #conspiracy #satanism #survival #control #mind #mindcontrol #conspiracy #programming #society #world #spirituality #satanism #MKUltra #illuminati
spora przesada i o wiekach średnich, które były ciemnymi z braku źródeł, i w temacie minusów, bo to była całkiem sensowna epoka, tylko oświecenie stworzyło czarną legendę odpowiedz
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