MOCNE STANOWISKO POLSKI WS. PRZYSZŁOŚCI UE! prof. Legutko do Merkel o Nord Steam i Jugendamtach!Wideo prywatne 00:06:44

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Ryszard Antoni Legutko, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, I would like to say to Madam Chancellor that it is a privilege for us to have her here. #AngelaMerkel

Madam Chancellor, you are certainly one of those politicians who has had a decisive influence on what has been going on in Europe, not only as a leader of a very important nation, but also as a remarkable personality.

But, precisely because of your exceptional status I’m taking the liberty of sharing with you some of the concerns that I have about the European Union. You are a very powerful person. You make the basic decisions in Europe. You anoint people for top positions within the EU.

Even here in the European Parliament, when you want to do something that your government does not like – like stopping Nord Stream or curbing Jugendamt – there are always innumerable obstacles popping up and, in the end it turns out to be extremely difficult to do anything about it. Even if we can do something about it, then it is ignored by your government because your government can afford to ignore it.

This power spills over. When I talk to some of my German colleagues here, I usually hear them sermonising. That’s very common here in this Chamber. I would say I hear them pontificating from the position of heavyweight moral champions, which they consider themselves to be.

All this is true but, in real terms, I think your political family is playing second fiddle in European politics. Interesting as your speech was, I cannot resist the feeling that 95% of what you said could have been said by Martin Schulz, a politician now largely forgotten, but he was once a big man here. He was pushing this Chamber to left, being seconded by the European People’s Party.

The truth is, Madam Chancellor, that the European Union has been hijacked by the left, which has imposed on it its ideology, its political agenda and even its language. To personalise it somewhat, we have just heard Mr Bullmann of the Socialists and Mr Weber of the PPE Group. If you cut out two or three sentences from what Mr Bullmann said, they could have exchanged speeches and nobody would have seen the difference.

I can say more. I can imagine Mr Bullmann being the chairman of the EPP and Mr Weber being the chairman of the Socialists, and it wouldn’t make the slightest difference either. I would say more: I can imagine Mr Verhofstadt taking both positions.


It wouldn’t make a difference. Perhaps the only difference would be that there would be more insults flying around. So much for diversity.

The immigration crisis, which cost you so dearly, Madam Chancellor, is just the tip of the iceberg. I will not be telling you about the tradition of German Christian democracy – you know more about it than I do – but what happened to it? Where has it evaporated to? The portrait of Konrad Adenauer in your office is not enough. Where is your Christian democratic vision of what Europe should be like? Why is it that you and your political family passively observe while the EU has been turning into a political bulldozer of social engineering?

This creeping centralisation, these so—called harmonisations through the back door, and the more and more obscure power structure. The bigger the institution you make, the more power structures become obscure. That is an elementary truth about politics. Everybody knows about it. The abysmal arrogance of the EU officials, the awful ideology oozing from almost every document written in a horrible newspeak, new strange institutions, chronic violation of the treaties, all this supposedly leading us to a radiant future of Europe.

But this radiant future is a left-wing fantasy, and I do not want to live in a left-wing fantasy. I am sure, Madam Chancellor, that you do not want to live there either even if it is ruled by heavyweight moral champions.

