Oji the Mintakan00:02:17

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Dodał: w4rb1rd
"Who Watches the Watchers"

Oji was a bit too treatcherous and coward in my humble opinion. When her father fell off from the rock, she, obviously, come to him, but when she heard somebody's footsteps, she abandoned him. I understand she might have been frightened of an 'alien' Federation technology, but leaving hers own father to alien beings? I think hers Vulcan 'side' of the mind answered - rational thinking - leave the weak and try to survive yourself...
TNG felt uncompleted to me. I wish Paramount completed this episode at least. Picard promised Nuria to not forget about Mintakans. Second episode should be about discovering how and whether they progressed at all.

Film znajduje się w katalogu: Star Trek
