We got a DEEP BLUE SEA FISH! SAILING is never boring!00:09:15
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Igrzyska Olimpijskie Paryż 2024
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Dodał: Sailoceans-com
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Sailing is never boring! Today we leave Martinique and head to the South of the Caribbean, to the Grenadines. Family visit means there are more bellies to feed. On our way we try to catch some lunch :) We are highly motivated to grab one of the deep blue sea monster! We got a poor fishing record. Today bad luck is OVER! :)
Ania and Bartek
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Sailing is never boring! Today we leave Martinique and head to the South of the Caribbean, to the Grenadines. Family visit means there are more bellies to feed. On our way we try to catch some lunch :) We are highly motivated to grab one of the deep blue sea monster! We got a poor fishing record. Today bad luck is OVER! :)
Ania and Bartek
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Film znajduje się w katalogu: Our family life unplugged
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