Our Favorite Breaking Bad Characters00:12:21

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Top 10 Best Breaking Bad Characters
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The best and most memorable Breaking Bad characters can be found here! For this list, were looking at the most compelling characters from Breaking Bad, while excluding those that only appeared in Better Call Saul. Our list includes characters like Tuco Salamanca, Saul Goodman, Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Gustavo Fring, and more. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Breaking Bad Characters.

List Rank and Entries:
10. Badger
9. Walter White Jr.
8. Tuco Salamanca
7. Hector Salamanca
6. Gustavo Fring
5. Hank Schrader
4. Saul Goodman
3, 2, 1: ???

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Watch more Breaking Bad videos below:
Top 10 Worst Things Walter White Has Done: https://youtu.be/1BVgQ1fEfGQ
Top 10 Things We Want to See in the Breaking Bad Movie: https://youtu.be/-uljPcoTYVw
Top 10 Breaking Bad Scenes: https://youtu.be/sm7bkc1REUI

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