The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way - with Flo & Eddie on backing vocals - American Disco Dance Version00:04:44

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Dodał: luriesplace
Taken from their third album, Forever Now

The Psychedelic Furs:
Richard Butler vocals
John Ashton guitars
Tim Butler bass guitar
Vince Ely drums

Additional personnel:
Todd Rundgren keyboards, synthesizers, marimba
Ann Sheldon cello
Flo & Eddie (Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan) backing vocals

Chris Andersen, Todd Rundgren engineers
Chris Austopchuk US cover design
Antoine Giacomoni, Marcia Resnick, Graeme Attwood photography

As once said:

An average B-side sounding like a reject from earlier records and on the A-side weve got Love My Way, one out of only around a handful songs I could qualify as utter triumphs by the band. From Butlers hushed vocals, Flo & Eddies harmonies in the background to Elys synthesized marimba lines, everything gels perfectly.

One of the most compelling singles of its time, both terribly accessible and uniquely sinister and cavernous. Theres an army on the dancefloor theres emptiness behind their eyes, theres dust in all their hearts, then the synths swell and the marimbas bob as if bouncing on human skulls. Deathless.

It took me about a year to grow into Richards voice, which sounded far too off for my taste. But eventually, I noticed his ragged voice provided a good contrast to the romantic backing.

The wordless aahhh near the end I loved from the first time I heard it, though. Which is why I kept coming back.

Butler sings like a dying cow here.
