Origen vs G2 |EN| - LEC Spring Split 2020 W7D100:51:00

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Origen vs. G2 Esports LEC Spring Split 2020

Casters : Froskurinn , Drakos
Analyst Studio : Quickshot,Ender and Vedius

Full Line up:
Origen Line up:
OG Alphari TOP - Gangplank
OG Xerxe JUNGLE - Zac
OG Nukeduck MID - Orianna
OG Upset BOTTOM - Aphelios
OG Destiny SUPPORT - Nautilus

G2 Esports line up:
G2 Wunder TOP - Sett
G2 Jankos JUNGLE - Lee Sin
G2 Perkz MID - Ekko
G2 Caps BOTTOM - Ezreal
G2 Mikyx SUPPORT - Braum

Interview : Laure Valle with Mikyx

Film znajduje się w katalogu: LEC 2020 Spring Split

