Origen vs Rogue Game 3 |EN| - LEC Spring Playoffs 2020 Round 201:17:51

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OG vs. RGE LEC Spring Split 2020

Analyst : Drakos , Froskurinn , YamatoCannon
Casters: Quickshot , Ender
Interview : Laure Valle with Dan Dan
Laure Valle with xPeke

Origen Line up:
OG Alphari TOP Aatrox
OG Xerxe JUNGLE Pantheon
OG Nukeduck MID Azir
OG Upset BOTTOM Miss Fortune
OG Destiny SUPPORT Nautilus

Rogue line up:
RGE Finn TOP Ornn
RGE Inspired JUNGLE Jarvan IV
RGE Larssen MID Ekko
RGE Hans sama BOTTOM Aphelios
RGE Vander SUPPORT Tahm Kench

Film znajduje się w katalogu: LEC 2020 Spring Split

