Backwater - Live @ Still Of The Night, Fugazi Music Club, Warszawa, 28. 05. 2016 [FULL SHOW]00:39:03
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Pełen zapis koncertu Backwater podczas pierwszej edycji Still Of The Night w nieistniejącym już Fugazi Music Club (ul. Mińska 65) w Warszawie z 28 maja 2016 roku. Był to mój pierwszy koncert Backwaterów, ale swoim setem od razu zarazili mnie swoim graniem.
Spoczywaj w pokoju, Bracie! [*]
A full recording of Backwaters show during the first edition of Still Of The Night in (currently non-existing) Fugazi Music Club (ul. Mińska 65) in Warsaw, Poland, 28th of May 2016. It was my first Backwater show, but they really got me in their music with their setlist.
Rest In Piece, Brother! [*]
Zespół | Band: Backwater
Gdzie | Where: Still Of The Night, Fugazi Music Club, Warsaw, Poland
Kiedy | When: 28.05.2016
Paweł Mitting - wokal | vocals
Jakub Cywiński - gitara | guitar
Łukasz Tamecki - bas | bass
Igor Filipiuk - perkusja | drums
00:00 Devils Show
04:40 A View to a Kill
08:43 Empty City
12:43 Stage Fright
17:03 Bad Dreams
20:45 Nothing To Lose
25:53 Daddy Cool (Boney M. cover)
28:22 Reach for the Sky
32:24 Queen Of The Glam
Spoczywaj w pokoju, Bracie! [*]
A full recording of Backwaters show during the first edition of Still Of The Night in (currently non-existing) Fugazi Music Club (ul. Mińska 65) in Warsaw, Poland, 28th of May 2016. It was my first Backwater show, but they really got me in their music with their setlist.
Rest In Piece, Brother! [*]
Zespół | Band: Backwater
Gdzie | Where: Still Of The Night, Fugazi Music Club, Warsaw, Poland
Kiedy | When: 28.05.2016
Paweł Mitting - wokal | vocals
Jakub Cywiński - gitara | guitar
Łukasz Tamecki - bas | bass
Igor Filipiuk - perkusja | drums
00:00 Devils Show
04:40 A View to a Kill
08:43 Empty City
12:43 Stage Fright
17:03 Bad Dreams
20:45 Nothing To Lose
25:53 Daddy Cool (Boney M. cover)
28:22 Reach for the Sky
32:24 Queen Of The Glam
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