Immortals vs Dignitas - LCS 2021 Summer Split W2D201:10:10
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Immortals vs Dignitas LCS Summer Split 2021
Analyst : Letigress , Emily Rand , Kaizen and Raz
Casters : Kobe and Pastrytime
Interview : Dash with Dardoch
Letigress with Xerxe (Player of the Week 1)
Immortals Line Up :
IMT Revenge Top Lee Sin
IMT Xerxe Jungle Rumble
IMT Insanity Mid Jayce
IMT Raes Adc Varus
IMT Destiny Sup Thresh
Dignitas Line Up :
DIG FakeGod Top Gnar
DIG Dardoch Jungle Xin Zhao
DIG Soligo Mid Lulu
DIG Neo Adc Samira
DIG Aphromoo Sup Leona
Analyst : Letigress , Emily Rand , Kaizen and Raz
Casters : Kobe and Pastrytime
Interview : Dash with Dardoch
Letigress with Xerxe (Player of the Week 1)
Immortals Line Up :
IMT Revenge Top Lee Sin
IMT Xerxe Jungle Rumble
IMT Insanity Mid Jayce
IMT Raes Adc Varus
IMT Destiny Sup Thresh
Dignitas Line Up :
DIG FakeGod Top Gnar
DIG Dardoch Jungle Xin Zhao
DIG Soligo Mid Lulu
DIG Neo Adc Samira
DIG Aphromoo Sup Leona
Film znajduje się w katalogu: LCS Summer Split 2021
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