The Franco-Turkish War - Southern Front of the Turkish War of Independence I THE GREAT WAR 192100:17:16

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After the armistice of Mudros in 1918, the Ottoman Empire started to dissolve while being occupied by Allied powers and several independence movements erupted across its territory. The Turkish National Movement didnt want to accept any territorial changes in their heartland and fought back against France in the Cilicia Campaign or the Franco-Turkish War.


Primary Sources:

Abadie, Maurice : Les quatre Sièges dAïntab. Opérations au Levant. Onze mois dans le Verdun turc. Paris 1922.

Cetintaş, Cengiz: Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Sanlıurfa Savunmaları ve Ankara Antlaşması: TBMM Tutanaklarında Kurtuluş Savaşı. (Parliamentary Notes from 1920-21).

Goudot: Haut-commissariat de la République Française en Syrie et au Liban, La Syrie et le Liban en 1921. La Foire-Exposition de Beyrouth. Conférences. Liste des récompenses, Paris 1922.

Hartunian, Abraham: Neither to Laugh Nor to Weep: An Odyssey of Faith, A Memoir of the Armenian Genocide, Belmont 1999.

Cmd. 1570, Turkey No. 1 (1922), Correspondence Between his Majestys Government and the French Government and the French Government Respecting the Angora Agreement of October 20, 1921.

Kerr, Stanley: The Lions of Marash: Personal Experiences with American Near East Relief, Albany 1973.

Kevorkian, Raymond : Lévacuation française de la Cilicie en 1921 vue par officier Vahan Portoukalian.

Secondary Sources:
Duclerc, Vincent: La France face au Génocide des Arméniens.

Durand, Bernard: « Le mandat sur lArménie naura pas lieu? » Un drame au coeur de Turquie, de la Cilicie et de la Syrie (1915-1920; Revue historique du droit français (1922-), vol. 95, 3, p. 493-510.

Fromkin, David: A Peace to End All Peace (1990)

Gotikian, Guévork: « La Légion dOrient et le mandat français en Cilicie (1916-1921) », Revue dhistoire arménienne contemporaine, vol. III: La Cilicie (1909-1921), 1999.

Güçlü, Yücel: Armenians and the Allies in Cilicia 1914-1923 (2010).

Kévonian, Dzovinar: Réfugiés et diplomatie humanitaire (Paris, 2003).

Moumdjian, Garabet: Cilicia under French administration: Armenian Aspirations, Turkish Resistance, and French Stratagems, 2007.

White, Benjamin Thomas: A Grudging Rescue; France, the Armenians of Cilicia and the History of Humanitarian Evacuations; Humanity: An international Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Vol. 10, 1, p. 1-27.

Zarifian, Julien, « La montée du kémalisme en Cilicie. 1919-1920: ladministration française du Sandjak de Kozan face au nationalisme turc », CEMOTI, Cahiers dÉtudes sur la Méditerranée Orientale et le monde Turco-Iranien, vol. 38, no 38, 2004, p. 235-260.

Presented by: Jesse Alexander
Written by: Jesse Alexander
Director: Toni Steller & Florian Wittig
Director of Photography: Toni Steller
Sound: Toni Steller
Editing: Jose Gamez
Motion Design: Philipp Appelt
Mixing, Mastering & Sound Design:
Maps: Daniel Kogosov (
Research by: Jesse Alexander
Fact checking: Florian Wittig

Channel Design: Yves Thimian

Contains licensed material by getty images
All rights reserved - Real Time History GmbH 2021
